Computer I - Baker - BU084S-49

Computer 1   

Mr. Baker

Welcome to Computer 1!


Students will apply integrated software skills common in the business world. Students will start at a beginning level and build to an intermediate level using an integrated software suite, such as Microsoft Office and the Google Suite. Applications will include: word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentations, and several lessons that integrate two or more applications.

Students will learn basic typing skills.

Students will lear how a computer "works," and the pieces of machinery and software used to do so. 

Students will learn what the definition is of "Digital Citizen" and how its importance while online.


Grading Policy and Behavior Matrix:

Please print off, read, and sign the Classroom Management Plan

Health:FLVS CMP.pdf

cell phone policy.pdf


CVE.C1.1: Students will interpret the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.

CVE.C1.2: Students will demonstrate and apply beginning to intermediate skills in Microsoft Office/Google Suite applications, and produce projects for word processing, presentation, database, desktop publishing and spreadsheet.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due